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Showing posts from February, 2016

Top 150

We are thrilled and honored to have been selected by the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program as one of the nation’s top 150 community colleges in recognition of RCC’s exceptional student outcomes in the areas of student learning, certificate and degree completion, employment and earnings, and access and success for minority and low-income students. RCC is now eligible to compete for the 2017 Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence and $1 million dollars in prize funds, as well as Siemens Technical Scholars Program student scholarships. RCC merited to receive the honor based on the following measures: Performance (retention, graduation rates including transfers, and degrees and certificates per 100 full-time equivalent students) Improvement (awarded for steady improvement in each performance metric over time) Equity (evidence of strong completion outcomes for minority and low-income students) Ten Aspen Prize finalists will be named in Fall 2016. The Asp...