RCC students celebrate Club Fest 2012 and foster new friendships. The title of “This Month From Cliff” is the title of a new book by Dr. David D. Ireland, the pastor of Christ Church, a six thousand member multicultural congregation in New Jersey. The book came in the mail last week and was sent to me by a faculty member at the County College of Morris, where I served as Chief Academic Officer for seventeen years. The note accompanying the book from this art professor reads as follows: Enclosed you will find a book by my pastor. As I reflected on my experiences at CCM, I thought of your leadership. I then became curious and delved into the book. Here is what Dr. Ireland wrote in THE SKIN YOU LIVE IN: Personal relationships are the bedrock to all aspects of social life. They are also the gateway to the corporate board room, the police force, and every place of influence in all aspects of society. As I read this, a light came on. Th...